Free legal services in the field of housing and communal services and utility payments. Official rating of lawyers and law firms providing legal advice on housing and communal services Lawyers on housing and communal services

When checking the electricity meters in my household (the residential building was not registered in the cadastral register because it was not completed), unmetered electricity consumption was revealed. An act on unaccounted consumption was drawn up. During the audit it was revealed: the main accounting...

We have the following situation. There is a new building that was put into operation, after which after some time the developer was chosen by the management company, which offered from 2 to 6 times higher tariffs. After some time, this management company announced...

04 September 2019, 18:30, question No. 2498014 Alexey, St. Petersburg

Good afternoon, there is a debt for utility services, an installment plan has been arranged, for which they must pay 8000, for the previous 2

Good afternoon, there is a debt for utility services, an installment plan was issued, they must pay 8000, for the last 2 months it was not possible to pay this amount, they paid 4000, today an employee of the management company turned off the light and put a seal, without...

Maintenance of common property of apartment buildings under direct management

MKD 5 apartments switched to direct management. All apartments are privatized. For 2 years, not a single meeting has been held in direct management, and no money is collected for maintenance. The Initiative Group has taken no measures to bring...

1000 price

What can you do if the debt for the apartment has accumulated due to your husband’s mother?

Debt for an apartment, what can be done in this case - the debt has accumulated because of her husband’s mother, she doesn’t want to pay

04 September 2019, 13:52, question No. 2497536 klepa, St. Petersburg

Mosenergosbyt. Statute of limitations

There is a debt since 2011 for electricity. Mosenergosbyt had never filed a lawsuit until January 2019. In 2019, I filed a lawsuit, for the period 2015-2018, the amount of debt was 33,000 along with penalties, I paid the debt. But Mosenergosbyt does not write off...

How can you resolve issues with troubleshooting?

A day ago, a pipe burst in a private house, they called workers, they removed the meter and screwed in a cap so that the water wouldn’t flow. That’s all. I went to the water utility today and the boss said do it yourself. What to do in this situation?

04 September 2019, 11:44, question No. 2497298 Valentina, Novorossiysk

Do new apartment owners have to pay recalculation for heating for the period before purchase?

Should new apartment owners pay recalculation for heating for the period when the apartment belonged to the previous owners?

Cold water meter

Good afternoon The cold water meter in the apartment had expired, I didn’t know about it, when they found out they immediately changed it, all this time I was counting both cold and hot water according to the average, do they have the right to count hot water according to the average if the meter is new...

Flooding of an apartment due to a sewer blockage

Hello. I am the only owner of the apartment, I live temporarily in another city (for treatment). No one lives in my apartment (1st floor) now. We have an HOA in our house. Yesterday the manager called and said that due to a clogged sewer...

1000 price

What should I do if my neighbor laid a water pipe without permission?

My neighbor at my summer cottage dug a trench and laid a water supply through my property without my knowledge, as a result of this my mother got nervous and ended up in the hospital with a stroke. Did he have the right to take these actions? in the period from February 10, 2014 to the present, has conducted 830 court cases, of which 816 have been successfully resolved;

About the specialist

Head of practice. Provides professional legal advice in civil cases. Mostly complex and particularly complex categories of cases are within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Total experience in handling court cases, more than 4600. Total experience, more than 25 years.

Nikolaev Vasily Petrovich

According to statistics from the official portal of lawyers, in the period from May 15, 2015 to the present, he has conducted 420 court cases, of which he successfully resolved 414; Experienced specialist in complex civil cases

About the specialist

Total experience - 21 years. Professional in civil cases, subordinate to Alexey Nikolaevich Pomyashchiy, professionally deals with complex disputes in the Moscow City Court and district courts of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Zakharov Nikolay Viktorovich

According to statistics from the official portal of lawyers, in the period from 2005 to the present, he has conducted 430 court cases, of which he successfully resolved 411; Experienced Civil Litigation Specialist

About the specialist

Total experience - 18 years. Professional in civil cases, subordinate to Alexey Nikolaevich Pomyashchiy, engaged in the preparation of statements of claim, appeals, cassation complaints, and presentations. Provides defense in the Magistrates' Courts.

The legislation regulating housing and communal services is constantly undergoing changes. It is not surprising that many issues related to housing and communal services are not only difficult, but practically impossible to understand without deep knowledge in this area and certain practical experience. Illegal charging of utility bills, damage to the apartment, disputes with the management company - our housing and communal services lawyer will help you solve these and other similar problems.

Our advantages:

Our collegium is a legal entity whose history dates back to 1866. Today we have brought together more than 1,000 leading experts in various fields of law. Brilliant legal education, deep knowledge of current legislation and extensive experience in handling cases in the housing and communal services sector allow our lawyers to effectively solve any problems.

The professional liability of the board's specialists is insured for 5,000,000 rubles. By contacting us, you do not risk anything, because even if our housing and communal services lawyer cannot win the case, you will receive full compensation for the damage caused. In Russia, only our board offers such conditions.

We provide services on credit or in installments. Also, our housing and communal services lawyer provides legal assistance under the “Success Fee” scheme, under which payment for a specialist’s work is made only if the case has a positive outcome. Each client is guaranteed confidentiality both during the period of cooperation and upon its completion.

Legal assistance in housing and communal services is necessary if:

  • your utility bills are calculated incorrectly;
  • The HOA or management company does not fulfill its official responsibilities for maintaining the house;
  • you cannot recover damage caused to your property due to flooding of the apartment;
  • it is necessary to resolve disputes that are related to residential premises: the provision of living space, moving in or moving out of it - and other conflict situations.

Providing services, our lawyer in Moscow:

  1. Provides advice on housing and communal services issues.
  2. Will carry out activities aimed at resolving the conflict situation pre-trial.
  3. Will prepare the necessary documents of a procedural nature (claims, petitions, etc.).
  4. Protects the interests of the principal in the justice authorities.
  5. Appeals the court decision.
  6. Monitor the progress of enforcement proceedings.

Cost of services provided by a lawyer in the housing and communal services sector

Consultation with a housing and communal services lawyer is free. Reception is by appointment only. To let our specialist tell you what time a lawyer for housing and communal services will see you, contact him in one of the following ways.

The best lawyers for housing and communal services




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Housing and communal services lawyer services

Services lawyer for housing and communal services will be needed when violations are detected on the part of the Criminal Code or government agencies. Contacting a lawyer promises a fair resolution of the conflict. A housing and communal services lawyer will help with recalculation of payments and compensation for damage from property damage.

  1. consultations on housing and communal services;
  2. analysis of the quality of housing and communal services provided;
  3. drawing up complaints against the actions of officials of management companies;
  4. appealing a refusal to provide housing;
  5. assistance with legalizing redevelopment in the apartment;
  6. conducting an independent examination of residential premises;
  7. analysis of payment for housing and communal services;
  8. challenging illegal payments;
  9. filing complaints about the inaction of repair teams;
  10. representing the interests of residents before management companies;
  11. conducting consultations on accounting for cold water and hot water;
  12. challenging illegally charged payments;
  13. termination of the contract with the management company;
  14. recovery of damages from management companies due to poor quality maintenance of houses;
  15. carrying out claims work;
  16. drawing up individual and collective claims against housing and communal services;
  17. legal support on housing and communal services issues;
  18. assistance with recalculation of accrued payments;
  19. resolving conflicts regarding flooding of residential premises;
  20. calculation of personal accounts;
  21. filing complaints about the actions of neighbors;
  22. challenging housing and communal services debts;
  23. representation of residents at meetings with state and municipal authorities

Housing and communal services lawyers specialize in Housing and Civil Law. The lawyer provides assistance in housing and communal services. Disputes arise between neighbors, but most often between residents and management companies. The lawyer will analyze the situation and draw up an expert opinion on the problem. If you are unable to resolve the conflict on your own, entrust this difficult matter to our lawyers.

Long-term practice of housing and communal services disputes shows that the parties rarely come to an agreement. Sometimes the conflict turns into a dangerous direction - residents stop paying utility bills, and management companies deliberately ignore house maintenance. All this results in even bigger problems, but with the state. In order not to bring matters to the point of absurdity, it is advisable to involve housing and communal services lawyer at the initial stage of the conflict. A lawyer will help you file a complaint and bring the perpetrators to administrative responsibility.

A lawyer is involved in resolving the following disputes:

  1. flooding by neighbors above;
  2. damage to residents from a burst riser in the house;
  3. carrying out unauthorized redevelopment of an apartment with the risk of damage to load-bearing structures;
  4. non-compliance with Law No. 52-FZ (clause on silence);
  5. improper implementation of major repairs;
  6. deterioration of living conditions (creation of an emergency situation in the house);
  7. violation of housing rights by the management company.

A housing and communal services lawyer protects the interests of individual residents and management companies. The latter have the right to contact a lawyer if they experience difficulties communicating with residents. For example, regarding payment of utility bills. But mostly residents need help. The stumbling block is payments for housing and communal services.

A lawyer helps resolve a dispute at the pre-trial or trial stage. Ignoring residents' requests is a direct reason to go to court. A lawyer will help you draw up a statement of claim, indicate violated rights and demand compensation for damage. For example, due to the concealment of important information from residents by the company.

Lawyers take into account the wishes of residents. If the latter are satisfied with the actions of the management company and do not want to bring the matter to court, the lawyer will offer to conclude a settlement agreement. In case of a deeper conflict, you will need to file a statement of claim in court. In this case, compliance with the complaint procedure and deadlines for filing a complaint plays an important role.

Specialists in the housing and communal services sector provide free online consultations. Moreover, to receive them, it is not necessary to leave home and adjust to the lawyer’s office hours. All the client needs to do is send a request to a housing and communal services lawyer using the online form. Consultation allows you to get an instant answer to your question. Lawyers will offer a legal analysis of the situation based on housing and civil legislation.

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Our lawyer will contact you shortly and advise you.

If you need a lawyer for housing and communal services in Moscow, ask for help on YouDo. On the site you will find specialists who have extensive experience in civil cases and are ready to protect your rights. A professional will help resolve housing disputes with neighbors in accordance with current legislation and advise on various housing and communal issues.

When do you need the help of a lawyer on housing and communal issues?

No one is immune from problems in the field of housing and communal services. Residents of an apartment building are forced to live next to each other, so there are frequent cases of housing disputes. A management company that supplies utilities in Moscow, in some cases, may violate the rights of residents. A housing lawyer can help you resolve utility disputes.

Legal assistance in housing and communal services will be needed if the following types of problems arise:

  • your neighbors flooded you and don’t want to compensate for the damage
  • your neighbors are going to do illegal redevelopment, which could be dangerous for the house
  • The management service was found to have performed its duties poorly
  • the company bills you incorrectly for services and refuses to recalculate
  • other housing problems that a utility lawyer can solve

It happens that the Management Service sends an incorrect housing and utility bill. Most often, the company itself does the recalculation, and the funds owed by the company are returned to the tenant who made the payment. If you notice that your utility bills have become too high for no apparent reason, this is a reason to protect your rights and file a complaint against the company that provides the service. A utility lawyer, whom you can quickly find on Yuda, will help you with this.

What is included in a lawyer's services?

If there are communal disputes, and your case regarding payments and tariffs cannot be resolved in pre-trial proceedings, you will need a lawyer on housing and communal services issues as a representative in the trial. You should not represent your interests in court on your own - only a housing and communal services lawyer knows all the intricacies of utility problems and will be able to provide high-quality legal assistance.

Professional lawyer for utility issues:

  • will provide consultation for the homeowner
  • draw up an action plan for debt recovery from the Management Service
  • will take full charge of the management of utility issues
  • prepares papers for filing a claim from an individual and draws up the claim itself in court
  • will collect documents on payment for services and evidence of the absence of debt, which confirm that you are right in the issue of housing and communal services
  • will accompany you in court and act as your representative
  • will file an appeal if your complaint is not upheld
  • will provide legal assistance during the execution of the sentence by guilty persons

Preparing documents for a claim on utility issues takes a lot of time. Contacting a housing and communal services lawyer to protect the interests of the owner will increase the chances that the case will be resolved as quickly as possible and in his favor.

At the initial consultation, a lawyer for utility problems will tell you about current laws in the field of housing and communal services and answer all your questions about payments, tariffs and debts. You can also find out the exact payment for legal services for housing and communal services.

You should contact a housing and communal services specialist in the case when an attempt to resolve the issue of recalculating payments with the Management Company did not lead to anything, and all your complaints were ignored by officials. The assistance of a lawyer and his accompaniment during a visit to the company can significantly speed up the resolution of problems with payments and services under the contract.

If you have problems with your neighbors or your property has been damaged, contact a specialist in the housing and communal services sector and write a claim for damages. A claim can be avoided through an agreement with neighbors on voluntary compensation; an experienced lawyer will help in resolving more complex housing disputes.

How to place an order?

If you urgently need a lawyer on housing and communal services issues, leave a request on the YouDo website. This can be done online, by phone or through smartphone apps. Describe your question, and also indicate what legal services you need (preparation of documents, drawing up an application, support, representation in court). The right legal professional will find you.